Luxury Interior Wallcoverings, Fabrics & Furnishings
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Luxury Wallpapers

17 Patterns - Forager

17Patterns have produced a collection of fun and vibrant ‘paste the wall’ luxury wallpapers that ooze originality and zest. Delivering the charm of the English countryside into your interior, 17 Patterns and British contemporary artist, Paris, exemplify nature’s treasure trove with this wonderful watercolour interpretation of British wild mushrooms entitled, Forager.

Paris Says, “Especially during the summer and the autumn ‘natures very own art forms’ burst through the ground, appearing overnight as if by magic. Their unique silhouettes, colours and textures are fascinating.”
Setagainst an imaginative backdrop of country inspired colour palettes, this natural selection is available on luxurious metallic white mica, non-woven country green, contemporary warm-grey, and for a psychedelic twist, fluorescent ‘magic’ mushrooms are presented on black.

This truly British wallpaper has been naturally grown to put a hint of playfulness into your interior this autumn.

17 Patterns – Forager Wallpaper is available to purchase from our 17 Patterns Online Store, as well as our other luxury wallpapers.

